Applied Skills Academy 2019

In autumn 2019 the “Applied Skills Academy” of EESTEC LC Aachen took place for the first time. The concept comprises 5 days with 2 half-day workshops each for all interested students of the RWTH. Various sessions were held by companies as well as by qualified EESTEC trainers. All this is free of charge! Jarek Ecke, the main organiser, reports on the planning and implementation of the event: 

“To be able to organize an event of several days on your own initiative, you have to be able to allocate and plan your resources well. After the basic concept has been created, partners for the workshops should be found. For this purpose, companies as sponsors and trainers as employees have to be convinced. It is important to have well thought-out information material and to be skilful in acquisition. All this happens at least half a year in advance.

Shortly before the workshops, the second important phase begins: to motivate students for our workshops. For this, appropriate advertising material, social media and above all motivated EESTECers are indispensable. This phase was particularly interesting for me as the main organiser. On the one hand, it is important to assert oneself against other offers, on the other hand, one must not lose sight of the finer points. I noticed how many things you have to take into account to organise such an event. During the workshops it pays off to have paid attention to everything, because when the participants come and a lot of knowledge is imparted, you know: we have done it!”