Soft Skills Academy

Online Semester, online year or even more….? No one knows, but we are sure that you can make the
best of working at home. Our generation got the unexpected opportunity to work and study without any
pressure from an environment, this is the greatest time to start thinking clearly on your goals, as you are
out of your routine, and start preparing yourself for achieving them on your own!

For one group of people the situation of online studies puts study motivation to a critical point because
there are no rules and bounds like in libraries or classrooms. At the same time another group of people
could struggle with the lack of time, of the absence of time limits for lectures that we were used to
before as you decide on the duration yourself. These are only two issues that cause into lack of focus
and procrastination, managing less than has been planned.
We don’t want you having less free time to enjoy your life, that is why we came up with a new initiative,
the Soft Skills Academy with the well known motto: “Study Less Study Smart” that is highly relevant in
Corona times.

The SSA is a traditional EESTEC event organized to improve personal and professional skills
that are necessary for a successful career. In big universities soft skills are outside the framework of the
existing education system so students do not get a chance to work on improving them. Soft Skills
Academy provides an opportunity for all ambitious students to attend trainings that are held by
certificated EESTEC trainers, and in 2020 for example by the following people:

● 15.12. 13:30 “Working at home” by Julian Vu, LC Karlsruhe:

These days more than ever people are working from home. While everyone figured out quite a few tricks for themselves, there is always room for improvement. In his session, Julian is going to discuss problems with online collaborations and introduce you to ways in which you can improve your online meetings and teamwork to the next level.

● 15.12. 16:30 “Someday is not a day of the week – advanced self management for life and work ”
by Max Schwind, LC Karlsruhe:

The amount and variety of tasks we have in our day to day lives can be overwhelming sometimes. In this session you will learn the powerful process of Getting Things Done, to gain back control and focus on your stuff. Max is utilizing the process for years and adapted it to his personal needs. Benefit from his experiences and take your self-management to the next level!

● 16.12. 19:00 “Positive Experiences during Corona” by Conchita Martin, LC Delft:

Do you have difficulty finding fun moments during these corona times? In this session we’ll be tackling challenges you have with emotional intelligence competences.

The whole event has been divided in two days with flexibility for participants in mind. All the activities
will be held in English and each workshop will last about 2,5 hours. The event is organized by students
for students, so everyone is welcome to join!
In these sessions you will be given tools on how to lead your workforce consciously, resulting in being
happier and having more free time as a result of productive time management. These skills will not only
help you in coming semesters, but will work for you during your career and will give you higher chances
at getting the job you want, as you know how to work it up.
Nevertheless, Soft Skills Academy is a place for meeting new people with the similar motivation!
Furthermore, it is the best opportunity to know to EESTEC in a friendly atmosphere.
We are eager to meet all of you at this event and would like to encourage you to apply!

Comming back soon!