The weekend from 24th till 26th of November was a special one. And if you ask yourself why, well we from LC Aachen together with our friends from LC Karlsruhe, LC Munich and LC Zurich organized the best ever german-swiss IMW.

Let me tell you more about it.

Our group from Aachen arrived in Beuron, our weekend destination, in the early afternoon and soon after we started with the preparations to welcome most of the other participants. Even though we were still a few, one could already feel that something exciting was coming up.

And we were right, because after the delicious dinner, it was time for our first party night. Dress Code was “Emo” and one could hardly miss all the black cloths, leather and chains. Combined with the drinks, typical EESTEC dances and the fresh falling snow from the deep blue sky… it was definitely a night from the late 80s. And definitely a perfect opportunity for socializing with each other. (that wasn’t an easy task, considering we were 80 participants and 80 doesn’t seem to be a coincidence either 😁)

Next stop of our time rollercoaster was the hike in the morning. All the hot drinks and food from the breakfast helped us enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, despite the coldness. (and the heavy snowing at the end of the hike). But wait a second, did you expect that there was nothing more than talking with others? Well, so were also some of the hikers… but the snow fight was inevitable with all the snow around us. Eventually we had to stop the fire for our lunch in the middle of the forest. Soon all of us were warming our hands again in our guest house and preparing for the next event in the afternoon, which was our campfire. Surrounding the fire we were singing along with the guitar rhythm and a cup of Glühwein in the hand.

Finally it was again time for a party. This time the theme was “Space” and one could have easily defined the party room as outer space. There were so many astronauts, aliens and space neon lights… and of course a second round of socializing and dancing (believe it or not one could only learn from those creative moves). Night was long, but sadly most of us had also a long journey ahead on the next day.

We got up early in the morning and while saying goodbyes to each other, we already knew, we’ll miss those awesome persons. But there is always hope to meet again at the next event!

Written by Alex