Autumn Congress in Essen 2019

Last year the Autumn Congress of EESTEC took place in Essen from the 17th to the 24th of November. It was organized by JLC Duisburg, LC Munich, LC Karlsruhe and also our LC in Aachen. As official representative from Aachen our Vice Chairperson of External Affairs Amira attended the congress. Here she describes her experience: “The congresses in spring and autumn are the most important events in the year of EESTEC on international level. Here all members have the chance to help shape the future of EESTEC and to actively participate in current international discussions. Before the meetings started, each participant attended different workshops held by EESTEC trainers. In addition, a small trade fair took place, where the different international teams introduced themselves. On the second day, the General Meetings started, where decisions for the future are made. At the Autumn Congress the previous International Board is relieved of its responsibilities, the current International Board reports on their experiences and successes and the international teams introduce themselves in detail and also report on their successes and plans. But the participation at the congress is not only the chance to represent your LC, but also a big reunion of friends from all over Europe. Already the arrival is marked by many hugs and great joy. In addition there are parties or bar visited at the evenings to get to know each other even better. Not to forget the legendary International Night with drinks and food from all home countries. Through the congress, students connect across national borders, there is cultural exchange and you feel the EESTEC spirit all the time.”